Pediatric Orthotics

We are able to provide many types of orthotics from many different manufacturers. If there is a certain type of orthotic you would like to try, please let us know and we can evaluate if the patient would be a good candidate. Below are some of the types of orthotics we provide.

We provide custom orthotics for the lower extremities, upper extremities, and trunk. Orthotics can be used to help improve alignment, increase support and stability, or to prevent progression of a deformity.

  • SMO

    Supramalleolar orthotics provide ankle and foot support in the coronal plane. They typically do not have full footplates and the trimline is just above the ankle.

  • AFO

    Ankle foot orthotics come in a variety of different materials and styles. Solid ankle AFOs do not allow any ankle motion and provide maximum stability. Hinged or dynamic AFOs, may offer some ankle motion in a certain direction and more control in another direction.

  • TLSO

    Thoracolumbosacral orthotics can be used to provide increased trunk support to help patients that have poor trunk control, stabilize the spine after an injury, or help correct a deformity like scoliosis.

  • WHO

    Wrist hand orthotics provide support and stability to the wrist, hand, and finger joints. They may help better position a hand for functional activities or limit motion to prevent contractures.